Nothing like the winter chill makes you realise your heating system’s importance. But what do you do when your boiler makes strange noises or your heat isn’t working correctly? Should you try to fix it yourself or call a professional?

This blog post will help you decide when to DIY and when to call the pros for heating repair.

Heating Repair: When to DIY

There are some cases where it’s okay to DIY your heating repair. For example, if you’re comfortable working with tools and know how to fix common problems, you may be able to handle the repair yourself.

However, it’s essential to be aware of your limitations. If you’re not sure how to fix the problem or if you don’t feel comfortable working with tools, it’s best to call a professional.

Heating Repair: When to Call the Pros

Certain repairs should always be handled by a professional. If your heating isn’t working, if there’s a gas leak, or if you’re experiencing electrical problems, it’s best to call a pro. Trying to fix these problems yourself could be dangerous.

Additionally, many homeowners contact a pro for routine maintenance tasks like filter changes and tune-ups. This can help ensure that your heating is running safely and efficiently.

Factors to Consider Before Deciding Whether to DIY or Call a Pro

You’ll need to consider several factors before deciding whether to DIY or call a pro for your heating repair. Some of the most important factors include the following:

  • The severity of the problem.
  • Your level of experience and expertise.
  • The cost of hiring a professional vs repairing yourself.
  • The potential risks involved in repairing yourself.
  • The Benefits of Calling a pro for Heating Repair

There are several benefits of calling a pro for heating repair. First and foremost, safety is always a top concern. Professionals have the experience and knowledge necessary to safely fix your heating without putting themselves or your home at risk.

Additionally, professionals often fix problems more quickly and efficiently than those doing the repairs themselves. Calling a pro for routine maintenance can help ensure your heating runs smoothly and safely all season long.

The Types of Heating Repair You Can Do Yourself

There are some types of heating repair that you can do yourself, with a little bit of guidance. Here are a few examples:

  • Replacing filters: This is a task you can easily do yourself; check the Manufacturer’s instructions to ensure you’re using the correct type of filter for your unit.
  • Checking the airflow: You can check the airflow yourself by holding your hand in front of the registers. If the airflow is weak, you may need to clear away any dust or debris blocking them.
  • Cleaning the unit: You can clean your heating unit by vacuuming the inside and wiping the exterior with a damp cloth. Be sure to disconnect the power before starting any cleaning project.

How to Know When It’s Time for Professional Help

If you’re unsure whether a job is something you can handle, there are a few signs that can help you decide.

Here are a few red flags that indicate it’s time to call in a pro:

  • The unit is making strange noises: If your heating unit is making strange noises, it may indicate a problem that needs professional attention.
  • There is water leaking from the unit: A leaky heating unit is not only inconvenient but can also be dangerous. If you notice water leaking from your unit, call a professional immediately.
  • The unit isn’t heating correctly: If your unit isn’t providing enough heat or regularly cycling, it may be time for professional help.

Signs That Your Heating System Needs Repair

Your heating system may need repair if any of the following signs are present:

  • The boiler is making strange noises.
  • The boiler is not heating the house to the desired temperature.
  • The boiler is leaking gas or oil.
  • There is water leaking from the boiler.

If you are experiencing any of these signs, it is best to call a professional heating repair service to assess the issue and provide a solution.

What a Professional Heating Repair Service Will Do

A professional heating repair service will come to your home to inspect your heating system and determine the source of the problem. They will then provide a solution and fix the issue.

Not all problems can be fixed by a professional, so it is essential to know the symptoms of a broken heating system.

What to Expect After Requesting Professional Heating Repair

Once you have requested professional heating repair, you can expect the following:

  • You will be given an estimated repair cost before any work is done.
  • The repair technician will inspect your entire heating system, including vents and ducts.
  • The technician may need access to crawl spaces or attics to fix the issue.
  • You may need to vacate your home for a few hours while the technician is working.
  • Once the repair is complete, you will receive a written warranty from the technician’s company.

How Much a Professional Heating Repair Will Cost

The cost of a professional heating repair will vary depending on the severity of the problem and the length of time it takes to fix it. You should expect to pay between £100 and £500 for most repairs.

However, more complicated repairs may cost more. It is essential to get an estimate from the technician before they begin any work.

Tips for Maintaining Your Heating System

It is essential to properly maintain your heating system to prevent any significant problems from occurring.

Some tips for keeping your heating system include:

  • Checking fluid levels and filters regularly and replacing them when needed.
  • Make sure vents are clear and free from obstruction.
  • Cleaning warm air registers and baseboards twice a year.
  • Make sure there is enough insulation around pipes and ducts.


Now that you know all about heating units, it’s important to remember to take care of them so they will last longer. You can check fluid levels and filters regularly, ensure vents are clear and free from obstruction, and clean registers and baseboards twice a year.

If you experience any problems with your unit, don’t hesitate to contact us for professional help. We would be happy to come to inspect your system and provide a solution. Thanks for reading!