Moving a radiator may seem daunting, but with some know-how, you can do it yourself. Whether you’re renovating your home or just rearranging your furniture, there are plenty of reasons why you might need to move your radiator.

Luckily, we’re here to help. In this blog post, we’ll walk you through everything you need to know about moving a radiator, from draining it to refilling it with coolant. Read on to learn more.

Shut off the Power to Your Radiator

Before doing anything else, you’ll need to ensure that your radiator is turned off completely.

To do this, find your home’s circuit breaker box and switch off the circuit that powers your radiator. Once the power is off, go to your radiator and confirm that it is completely cooled down before proceeding.

Drain the Radiator With Coolant

Now that the power is off, you can drain the radiator of any remaining coolant. To do this:

  1. Locate the drain valve at the bottom of the radiator and open it up.
  2. Use a bucket or pan to catch any coolant draining.
  3. Once the radiator is completely drained, close the valve and set the bucket aside for later use.

Disconnect the Radiator From its Current Location

Draining the radiator is an essential first step in disconnecting it from its current location. Once the radiator is drained, you can remove any screws or bolts holding it in place.

Next, gently disconnect any pipes or hoses attached to the radiator. If the radiator is mounted on the wall, you will need to remove the brackets or supports holding it in place. Be careful not to damage the wall as you remove the radiator.

Once the radiator is disconnected, you can move it to its new location.

Moving the Radiator

Now that your radiator is disconnected from the wall, it’s time to move it to its new location. If you’re moving your radiator a short distance, you can lift it and carry it to its new place. Just be careful not to bump or damage your radiator while moving it.

If you’re moving your radiator a longer distance, you may need to rent a dolly or hand truck to move it. Be sure to secure your radiator on the Dollie or truck, so it doesn’t fall off during transport. And once you’ve moved your radiator to its new location, be sure to level it before refilling it with coolant. Otherwise, your radiator may not work as efficiently as it should.

With some care and planning, you can successfully move your radiator to its new home.

Reconnect the Radiator at its new Location

When reconnecting a radiator, it is essential to install new pipes in its new location. This will help to ensure that the radiator functions appropriately and heats the room adequately.

Additionally, it is essential to cap off the old pipes. This will prevent any water or other fluid from leaking out and causing damage to your home. Use screws or bolts to secure the radiator in place.

Finally, open up the coolant valve and refill the radiator with coolant. Once the radiator is complete, turn on the power and confirm that the radiator is working correctly.

Check for Leaks

After reconnecting your radiator, it’s essential to check for any leaks. To do this:

  1. Let it run for a few minutes.
  2. Touch the radiator and feel for any coolant leaking out. If you notice any leaks, turn off the power to your radiator and tighten any loose connections.
  3. Once everything is tightened up, turn on the power and check for leaks again.

Add More Coolant if Needed

If your radiator leaks coolant, you may need to add more coolant. To do this, open the radiator’s coolant valve and pour in the desired amount of coolant.

Once the radiator is complete, turn on the power and check for leaks. If everything appears to be working correctly, your radiator is now ready to use.


With just a few simple steps, you can quickly move your radiator without calling in a professional. Just remember to drain all the coolants from your radiator before moving it—otherwise, you risk damaging your heating system.

And once you’ve moved your radiator into its new location, be sure to refill it with fresh coolant and check all of its connections before turning on your heating system again.

If you need assistance with your AC unit, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We would be happy to help you get your AC up and running again in no time!